About Us

Alpine (RockZone America’s original name), was founded in 1968 by Wilhelm Kogelmann, a native of Austria who came to study mining engineering at Penn State University and never left. Alpine has always been an innovator and has been involved with the development of numerous mining and construction machines such as roadheaders, mine planers, land mine clearing machines, hydraulic rock cutting attachments, and soil mixing attachments. We are proud of the role we have played in the development of infrastructure, defense, major engineering achievements, and clean-up of the environment. We serves the global market with focus on North America, and works directly with customers and equipment dealers.
Whether working with a local contractor or multi-national corporation, we work closely with the customer to provide equipment solutions tailor fit to their projects. Our core staff works closely with our suppliers and strategic business partners to leverage a network of talent for the benefit our customers.
In 2023, Rockwheel Americas was aquired by Exodus Global of Superior, WI to become part of their family of attachments that includes Connect Work Tools, ShearCore, BladeCore and OilQuick Americas. Rockwheel Americas became Rockzone Americas to better reflect the product line that includes Rockwheel, Rockcrusher and Rockscreener attachments. We'll continue to serve customers from our Bellefonte, Pennsylvania location and through our growing dealer network across North America.